2023 IEEE International Conference on Memristive Computing and Applications
2023 IEEE International Conference on Memristive Computing and Applications (ICMCA)will be officially organized by Qilu Institute of Technology(QIT) and IEEE Beijing Section , Jinan China, through 8-10 December 2023.
The conference will feature plenary speeches given by world renowned scholars, regular sessions with broad coverage, and special sessions focusing on popular topics. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The conference will favor papers representing advanced theories and innovative applications in Memristive computing.
Full Paper Submission Date: October 5th, 2023.
Notification of Acceptance Date: October 15th, 2023.
Final Paper Submission Date: October 30th, 2023.
Conference Date: 8-10 December, 2023.
Submission requirements
Abstract submission: only make communication reports and do not publish articles. word version of abstract submission E-mail: icmca@qlit.edu.cn.
Full-paper submission: make a report and publish the article, and the paper will be retrieved by EI. The author is required to submit an English full-paper paper with no more than 6 pages, in word or PDF format, with double columns and 10pt font, including figures, tables and references. For the paper template, please refer to the conference website Registration, that is, the IEEE conference paper template, and E-mail: icmca@qlit.edu.cn.
File download
Call for papers: download
Full paper: word template (download) or latex template (download)
IEEE website requirements: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Abstract : word template (download)